Seattle Public Schools

Official Notices


Accessibility Statement

正规的棋牌平台排行榜致力于通过满足或超过《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》第504节的要求,使残疾人能够使用其电子和信息技术.S.C. 794d), as amended; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended and the3 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA. 《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》第504条和第二章是联邦法律,要求各机构向残疾人士提供与非残疾人士同等的电子信息和数据访问机会, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. WCAG 2.AA是用于衡量是否符合联邦法律和指导方针的技术要求和标准.

如果您希望报告与西雅图学区网站上任何内容的可访问性有关的问题, including a complaint about the accessibility of document, form or statement you may do so in any of the following ways:

  1. Email 请包括网址或URL以及您遇到的问题的详细描述.
  2. Call the SPS webmaster at 206-252-0465.

Non-Discrimination and Accessible Communication

正规的棋牌平台排行榜致力于不歧视,并确保地区赞助项目的信息和沟通, 残疾家庭和社区成员可以参加活动和活动. 根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)第504条和第二章的规定,这包括聋人或听力障碍者以及盲人或视力障碍者.

Everyone has the right to effective communication. 确保与残疾人的沟通与与非残疾人的沟通一样有效, 建筑物及地区行政人员有责任对每一项有关辅助爱滋病及服务的要求采取行动. 这些服务将以可访问的格式免费提供给请求者.

辅助设备和设施包括各种沟通服务和设备,以促进残疾人的有效沟通. Examples include certified sign language interpreters, real-time captioning services, translation services, written materials, large print, Braille, or electronic versions of information. 必要的辅助工具和服务的类型将取决于通信的复杂程度, 请求援助的个人的情况、需要和愿望.

How to request communications assistance

School Board Meetings

需要辅助教具或服务参加校董会定期或特别会议的个人应尽快与校董会办公室联系,且不迟于定期会议前两(2)天,以便安排有效的辅助教具或服务. 我们将尽合理努力满足在会议前48小时内提出的要求. Please contact the Board office by phone at 206-252-0040 or email to make arrangements.

Other District Sponsored Programs, Events and Activities

可能需要地区赞助计划之辅助援助或服务的个人, event or activity, other than a School Board meeting, 应不迟于活动前两(2)天与无障碍协调员联络,以便安排辅助设备或服务. 我们将尽合理努力满足在活动或会议前少于48小时内安排的请求.

以便安排地区赞助计划的辅助教具及服务, event or activity, 请致电206-252-0306或电邮与地区无障碍协调员联络 and provide the following information:

  • Name of requester
  • Name of individual needing an auxiliary aid or service
  • Contact information (phone and email)
  • Description of auxiliary aid and service sought (for example, American Sign Language interpreter, large print, etc.)
  • 正在寻求有效沟通的项目或事件(例如, parent/teacher conference, sporting event, field trip, etc.)
  • Location where auxiliary aid or service is needed
  • Room number or building (for example, auditorium, gym or classroom)
  • Date and start and finish time of event.

In order to be effective, auxiliary aids and services will be provided in accessible formats, in a timely manner, 以这样一种方式来保护残疾人的隐私和独立性.

地区将优先考虑残障人士所要求的辅助及服务的选择. Primary consideration means the district will honor the individual’s choice unless:

  1. There is another equally effective means of communication available, or
  2. 使用请求手段将导致该地区服务的根本改变, program, or activity, or is an undue financial and administrative burden.

如果遵守规定会导致根本的改变或造成不适当的财政或行政负担,则必须由院长或其指定人员在考虑了该服务的经费和运作方面可用的所有资源后作出决定, program, 或活动,并且必须附有得出该结论的书面原因. 该地区将采取另一项行动,不会造成这样的改变或这样的负担, but would ensure that, to the maximum extent possible, individuals with disabilities receive the district’s benefits or services.

地区是否应该提供不同于残障人士所要求的辅助援助或服务, 地区将在地区赞助计划前通知申请者, event or activity.

Additional Information

地区有合规协调员监督遵守和执行地区对残障人士不歧视义务的努力,并调查任何有关残障歧视的投诉, which can be raised under Superintendent Procedures 3210SP.B.

有关残疾家庭和社区成员的问题或关注,请联系无障碍协调员 or 206-252-0306.